Cleansing Heat - Yoga for Aries Season 2023

Welcome to Aries Season! This fire sign informs our asana today so I invite you to move with intention of stoking your inner fire. Aries Season enters along with the Spring Equinox. As the days lengthen and warm up and plants start budding, we will generate our own heat to burn off the stagnancy of winter. Aries keys words are ‘I AM’, so give yourself permission to just be here now.

Join me for more astrologically informed yoga throughout the seasons and cycles.

#1houryoga #60minuteyoga #ariesseason #aries #fluidmovement #fireenergy #firesign #hathayoga #vinyasayoga #yoga #yogapractice #warrior1 #warrior3 #boatpose #bridgepose #warrior #waterfallpose #intentionsetting #yogaforcalm #breathe #cleanse

#astrologyyoga #astroyoga #astrology #chicagocommunityyoga #yogaclass #alllevelsyoga #yogaforall #yogaforeverybody #breathwork #fireelement #fullbodystretch #bodywork #movementmedicine #chicago #chicagoyoga #yogaathome #virtualyoga #astrology


Slow and Sensual - Yoga for Taurus Season