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Aquarius Sun/Leo-Virgo Full Moon

The moon has taken us on quite an energetic roller coaster today. This morning it was full in Leo and has since moved through a Void phase and into Virgo. This practice wraps up our Aquarius Season on the mat and will honor the diverse energies present throughout the day. Aquarius invites us to be bold, Leo lends us joyous energy and Virgo seeks to be of service; use these energies to celebrate and serve the authentic, eccentric self. Move into a new cycle having shed something of the old self.

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You can also use this info to log on to Zoom each week: Meeting ID: 7194811520 , Password: 513409

This practice is always all levels and donation based (non monetary donations are also accepted).

February 9

Aquarius Sun/Gemini 1/4 Moon

March 23

Aries Sun/Sagittarius Moon